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About Us
Who we are
We are 2 Belgians living in Brussels with a passion for financial inews & information.
First, we have our in-house finance expert with more than 30 years of banking, trading and private banking experience. He is the WRITER. He wakes up every day several hours before the day starts and, by pure sheering passion, writes the newsletter from his home.
Second, the digital young guy, Geoffrey, is the tech-savvy helper of the two. What does he do? Well he helps our financial writer deploy his content everywhere and execute the marketing strategy.
Why do we do this?
We want to help young do-it-yourself investors with the best advice on what to do or in where to invest. We see too many people relying on bro-finance advice or outdated information that has already been priced-in in the market for their investments.
In essence, we aim to give everyday people access to the same financial insights that only the wealthiest families can afford. Democratising financial advisory!
How did it start?
Our writer was actually already doing this for free for his clients at the bank outside of his work-related duties (again, by pure passion). We met at a conference and I (Geoffrey), suggested to deploy this content publicly because it was just sooooo good and detailed. Thus we started small with just a couple emails a week to test the ground and now our subscriber base is doubling almost every month, and that convinced us to keep going.
Why do we keep the identity of our writer secret?
Well, he is doing Charts of the Day because he is passionate about it. But he has a day-to-day job at a belgian bank and does not want to risk this side of his life as long as the newsletter does not generate sufficient funds.