Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the questions we received from all our subscribers since the start!

What is our process?

We wake up several hours before the day starts and we scour the internet, bloomberg terminals, news sites, … etc to grasp what is the relevant information to share for today. Then we select or create the charts that we think best represent the most relevant information for you for today and we comment on them for the newsletter.

This is based on years of experience in the markets thus we usually have a very good idea of what we look for or what we will create just by looking at the headlines of the day. We have our own indicators that we keep an eye on as well and if something is happening on that side, we share it too.

Where do we get our charts from? Can you trust them?

We either create them ourselves or select them from our hundreds of sources. When we create them the data comes genrally from Bloomberg (thus no doubts here). When we select them, they come from the reputable sources we have already selected and verified before. If you have any doubts, let us know!

Why is the visual quality of our graph sometimes poor

There are only so many hours between when we start researching today’s newsletter and the start of the day. Thus we have to compromise and make screenshots or reuse charts instead of custom-making them ourselves. The most important thing for us is the content of each chart and what they tell you.

But one of our goals is to provide top-quality charts, so perhaps in the future we will be able to hire extra manpower for this.